Certificates & Conditions
At Unibouw, we attach a lot of value to quality and sustainability. For that reason, we hold a number of certificates. View our certificates below.
ISO 9001:2015
Is a management system for the quality of your processes. This version is the successor to ISO 9001:2008. ISO 9001:2015 is based on the new HLS (High Level Structure), which ensures that there is consistency. By means of ISO 9001, we make sure that we meet the client’s standards and comply with the laws and regulations. Furthermore, it allows us to respond to risks, opportunities, threats, future requirements and expectations. Say what you do, do what you say – and prove it.
ISO 14001:2015
With this certification, we at Unibouw show that we comply with the laws and regulations for an environmental management system. ISO 14001:2015 is the standard for improving environmental performance and internationally demonstrating the quality of the environmental management system. Using this environmental management system, we are able to develop an environmental policy appropriate to Unibouw and guarantee its implementation.
Offers numerous tools for working in a safe, healthy and eco-friendly way in places with major risks. SCC (Dutch: VGA) stands for Safety (Health and Environment) Checklist for Contractors. For Unibouw, this mainly applies to the building sites. As an SCC-certified company, we can demonstrate that we fulfil the duties imposed by the Working Conditions Act. Our project leaders, installers and subcontractors hold an SCC certificate, showing that they have correct knowledge of the safety regulations and adhere to these.
Is the mark of approval for sustainable forestry. The approval mark guarantees that wood and paper products come from sustainably managed woodland. Woodland owners who are PEFC certified maintain their woods by adhering to the PEFC core values. The approval mark* guarantees our client, if called for, that the sustainability requirements have been completely fulfilled.
Unibouw works with various materials. One of these is wood. The FSC® mark of approval shows that the wood used by Unibouw on request originates from a wood that had been independently assessed as well managed, according to environmental (sustainable), social and economic standards. This means the woods are protected for the present and future generations. FSC stands for Forest Stewardship Council®, an international, non-profit organisation established to promote responsible management of woods. Following an independent audit, Unibouw holds the FSC certificate*, licence code FSC-C133364.